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Francesca has been active since a very young age and has contaminated her artistic research with the world of fashion design. She trained in important art studios, with a period of further training in London.

She is drawn to subjects such as portraits, the human bodies, animals,

mythology, water and untouched landscapes.


"Art attract us only by what it reveals of our most secret self" Jean Luc Godard.

She is a rising talent in Italian figurative art. German expressionism-inspired movements are prominent on these canvases. The theme of the face goes hand in hand with Oscar Wilde's idea of the mask: "Man is least himself when he talks in his person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth."

The energy of the pictorial act brings these faces to life, offering the viewer an attractive and vigorous experience." (Tivarnella)


“When, looking at a painting, you immediately recognize the author, it means that She is original, coherent and authentic. In Francesca Brivio's canvases we immediately grasp her decisive and dynamic traits that are made delicate, despite the rapid brush strokes, with harmonious colors and the lightness of the paint. A constructive and pictorial gesture, fast and without second thoughts that animates the canvases inside, giving her subjects a manifest vitality and a strong emotionality. Francesca focuses on numerous themes even though the feminine world prevails while never stereotyped or banal. On the contrary, her elegant and fluid style gives the figures, simultaneously, a unique and universal character. These are introspective and lonely characters who experience emotions that we all feel and share. Sometimes they appear to us indeterminate but never uncertain or weak, instead gritty and strong despite the sweetness that inhabits them. Spontaneity is the technical and expressive mean that Francesca chooses and that allows her to transfer what she feels and what she experiences at that moment on the canvas. In fact, the Author must always finish the paintings “alla prima”, the next day would be too late. Her excellent technique is never an end in itself, but placed at the service of the emotion she feels and that asks to get out to stick on the canvas. It is difficult not to be enchanted and captivated by her works; we are faced with a rare case of artistic intensity, maturity and truth.”

(Massimo Bollani, artist and mentor)










Oct 2024: "Bottega 500" Tivarnella, 9 pieces, Blue Gallery, Manhattan, New York

Sep 2024: Michele CEA prize, Finalist, Ex-Fornace Gola, Navigli, Milano

Sep 2024: "A forza di essere vento" ON art Gallery, 5 pieces, Via della Pergola 57, Firenze

Ago 2024: International Art residence Monoster-Szentgotthard, Hungary

Ago 2024: "Inc art" Palazzo Gaeta, Vico. Pignola

Jan 2024: "Be a Lady" Via Teresa 10, Torino

Nov 2023: "Morfeo" The YAH Factory, 4 pcs, via bramante 13, Milano

Nov 2023: "La Montagna" 3 pcs, by Paolo Parente, Biblioteca di Costa Masnaga LC

Oct 2023: "La felicità" Artee20 Merate LC

May 2023: Residenza artistica, by Artaporter e VisitAlassio, 9 pcs, Alassio, SV

Apr 2023: "Angeli e Artisti per la Iglesia de Los Angeles, Argentina"

Apr 2023: "Sinergia tra istituzioni" Mostra collettiva presso Circolino, Città Alta, BG

Mar 2023: "UNfair" con Artaporter, Superstudio Maxi Milano.

Dec 2022: "Women in art" 2pcs, Santa Teresa dei Maschi, Bari vecchia.

Nov 2022: "City Colours" Artaporter&LeFrancBourgeois contest - Torino - 2nd winner

Nov 2022: "Passione" 3pcs, Biblioteca di Costa Masnaga LC

Jun 2022: "The Treeline" Physical exhibition, 3pcs, The Factory London

May 2022: "Tratti Familiari" Palazzo Prinetti, Merate LC

Feb 2022: "Semiotics and Beyond" 2pcs, The Factory gallery by The Holy Art, London UK - 1st winner

Jan 2022: “The Way” virtual exhibition, Albe ArtGallery, Abu Dhabi.

Jan 2022: “Women in art” 4 pieces, Bibart, Bari.

Nov 2021: Segni Cromie Forme, 4 pieces, Area Contesa Gallery, Roma.

Oct 202: “Desidera Art Festival” Camera Fenix, Sala Piccola Fenice, Trieste.

Sep 2021: “Premio Michele CEA: Con la luce negli occhi” Ex-Fornace Gola Navigli, Milano.

July 2021: “Biennale di Bari” Bibart, Bari.

Sep 2021: “Contesa Art Gallery” Roma.

July 2021: “La divina Commedia” Collettiva a Rocca Brivio Sforza MI

July 2021: “Biennale di Bari” Bibart, Bari.

July 2021: “Every Woman Biennial” The Copeland Gallery, London UK

June 2021: “Parlami di Dante attraverso la Divina Commedia” Spazio Arte Petrecca, Isernia.

June 2021: “Art united” Galleria Arte Incontri, Montesilvano, Abruzzo.

May 2021: “Dreams &Resilience Art Show” Belguim, online exhibition

April 2021: “Nature” online exhibition by Internationalonlineart

March 2021: “Persona” London, online exhibition (second prize winner)

Jan 2021: “Octopus” JO Fishbar , Lugano, Switzerland
Dec 2020: "Tributo Amedeo Modigliani" online exhibition Fondazione Amedeo Modigliani, Roma  
Sep 2020: "Tornando al Domani" Artee20 Gallery, Merate, LC 
Sep 2020: "Apulia ArtPrize 2020" Gioia del Colle, Bari 
Ago 2020: "Colori" Artee20 Gallery, Merate, LC 
Ago 2020: "Venice Art Gallery" Ca Rezzonico, Canal Grande, Venezia 
Jun 2020: "Life in Color" Santa Teresa dei Maschi, Bari 
Feb 2020: “Mediterraneo, Frontiera di Pace ”, Santa Teresa dei Maschi, BARI. 
Gen 2020: “Insolito Rosa” - Artee20, Area Cazzaniga, Merate, LC. 
Dec 2019: “Il respiro della Brianza” - Artee20, Area Cazzaniga, Merate, LC. 
Oct 2019: “Contemporary ARTbox Milano” - Word Basement Gallery, Milano. 
Sep 2019: “Notti Sacre d’Arte” – Chiesa di Santa Teresa dei Maschi, Bari. 
Jun 2019: Mostra “Inspirations” Artee20, Area Cazzaniga, Merate, LC. 
Luglio 2019: “”Bilder aus Merates Kunstschulen” – KUNST IM RATHAUS , Kappeln, Germany. 
Jun 2019: “Il bacio che non ti ho dato” – VILLA LYSIS, ISOLA DI CAPRI, Italy. 
Dec 2018: II Biennale Arte - Museo Civico Enrico Butti, VIGGIU, VA, Italy. 
Dec 2018: SPAZIO ARTE/nonmuseo , Via Valverde, 2, VARESE, Italy. 
Dec 2018: Natale con l’Arte - Artee20, Area Cazzaniga, MERATE, LC, Italy. 
Jul 2018: L’ arte incontra Guido Gozzano - Artee20, Area Cazzaniga, MERATE, LC, Italy. 
May 2018: Arte e Bollicine - bar e ca‑fè di Piazza Prinetti, MERATE, LC, Italy. 


June 2021: “Insieme” Artee20, Merate.

Jan 2020 "Francesca Brivio online exhibition" Marvelous Art gallery 
Sep 2018 “Incontri” - Artee20, Area Cazzaniga, Merate, LC, Italy. 

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